
4 Mos Stats!

These pictures are in order from the first day you came home till today!  My have you grown!  As much as I miss your tiny little body, I must say that I love watching you grow!  You will always be my baby, no matter what your age!

As of yesterday...(Which is 1 week after you turned 4 months)
You weigh 14lbs.14ozs. and are 25in. tall!  You are in the 75 percentile for all of your measurements!

So here's what you are into:
-Your voice!  You now talk, talk, talk!  You used to only talk when people would talk to you, but now you are talking even when we aren't in the room.  And you have the cutest little squeal!  It makes me laugh every time I hear it.
-Your feet - all of the sudden they are constantly in the air as you grab them and try to put them in your mouth.
-Bath time.  (Nothing has changed in this department.  You have loved your bathes from day one.)
-Saliva!  This stuff is streaming out of your mouth.  We are thinking pre-teething?  There are no signs of teeth  cutting, but you MUST have something in your mouth at all time!(You are loving your pointer and middle finger.)
-TV.  I hate to say this, but you are already glued to the tube!
-Sleep.  This is a good thing for all of us!  You need your full nights sleep or you get cranky more so during the day... Right now you are sleeping from 10-10, with an occasional feed at 6 or 7am.(I think this depends on how loud daddy is at getting ready in the morning.)
-Your mommy.  You are definitely becoming a mommy's girl through and through.  It has gotten to the point that I need to be in your vision at all times.  If I put you down and leave the room, you will shortly notice and let me know!
-Attention.  You live for it!  You love it!  You are always trying to get mommy and daddy's attention.  And trust me, you know just how to do it!  Especially with those smiles and giggles of yours!
-Cuddles - This is one of my favorites!  You really have always been a cuddle bug, which I love!  But this past month with your mommy fetish, you will sit in my arms and cuddle with me all day if we could!

Here's what you dislike:
-Like I mentioned before, you don't like it when I leave the room.  This has been something that has been very new to me.  If you had the right surroundings and right toys, you normally could keep yourself content for 45mins!  And this is still the case, if I'm in your sight.
-This is a new one...You don't like shirts being pulled over your head!  This used to never faze you, until the last couple of weeks!
-I don't know if this is necessarily a "dislike", but when you don't get your nap at 4-6pm, you have a rough night. You have a pretty good sleep routine and you like to stick to it.  You will take little cat-naps throughout the day as well.  But I haven't noticed any mood changes if you don't get those.
-Loud places.  You also will get scared and start to cry if you hear something unusually loud out of nowhere.
-Other babies that are crying.  This upsets you all the time and will even make you cry!  Your daddy and I don't know if you are scared or what, but you definitely don't like it.  We like to think that you are being compassionate :)

This about sums it up!  I would just like to simply add just how sweet you are.  You are sweet to everyone and are such a happy girl!  Your daddy and I are so blessed and we thank God for you every night when we pray!  I love you, sweet cheeks!

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