
My blue eyed baby doll,

I am captivated by you.
 God picked you out especially for me.  Especially for your Daddy.
The two of us sit together and stare at each other all day long.  I've looked at you for so long, I feel like I should know the number of eye lashes on your lids.
 We play.  We cuddle. We smile.  We love.
 You surprise me with all the new things you are doing.  And I love watching you grow.
 You are pure joy.  Pure tangible joy.  Your smiles make others smile.
 You make me smile.  You make my heart sing.  You make me so happy, so proud!
 Being your Mommy is beyond a gift.  Beyond a blessing.  It is the thing my life was meant for.
 I was made to be yours.  God created me, to create you.
And you were made to be mine. How did I get so blessed to be the one?

I love you!


  1. So true, Bri, and so beautifully worded. And, can you picture our Heavenly Father saying those exact same things to YOU, His child?! Thanks for sharing!

  2. I love your site. Your love for Everly is especially beautiful. I love how Everly's grandmother related your love for your daughter to God's love for his children. This is such an inspiration!
